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             Sharia' Law since we've grown our own personal   Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. I studied in Madrasah
             lives with a unique sense of morality being sown   Aliyah Pembangunan for 2 years. my hobbies are
             deep within us. Learning how to love each other,   travelling  and  aviation,  playing  video  games,
             how to be tolerant to everyone that are racial,   basketball,  watching  sports  and  movies,
             social, ethnically different than you, how to focus   photography,  listening  to  music,  watching  and
             on your own personal life and everyone's sake for   reading politics and history. Nice to meet you all
             the  greater  good,  how  to  differ  which  one's   and  I'm  very  thankful  to  Al-Ashri  Magazine
             unimportant for your own sake (which in my case   because they trust me to write my opinion about
             is  usually  anything  materialistic,  to  make  an   “Akhlakul  Karimah,  Scinece,  and  Language”.
             example) and which is the otherwise should be      For  me  “Akhlakul  Karimah,  Science,  and
             enough to be called as a practice of the akhlakul   Language” are very important because if we are
             karimah idea. Social and natural science are both   expecting to hold the world we should have those
             important,  in  my  view,  since  you  get  to  learn   aspects. First is Akhlakul Karimah, why?? Because
             about the role that you need to see fit in this   to interact with other people we should have a
             world  and  our  own  society,  a  role  that  would   good manner and attitude, if we have a very good
             leave everyone else unharmed—most especially     akhlakul karimah, other people will give us a very
             social science where one should take incredibly   good feedback about ourselves and people will
             importance of during incredibly hot and humid    accept us. Actually, I'm not a good person but I
             times like as of late. Language is also important   always  try  to  practice  a  very  good  akhlakul
             for us since with a wide, expansive vocabulary at   karimah  because  I  want  many  people  to  be
             our expense we get to learn about how one could   comfortable with me when they socialize with
             have  a  misunderstanding  with  somebody  they   me.  The  second  one  is  science.  Why?  With
             know due to the limited amount of words they     science  we  will  know  the  world's  mechanism,
             use to talk about something, the methods one     such as exact and social science. Example, I love
             could  do  to  build  a  relationship  or  friendship   aviation and I also study aircraft mechanism and
             without dishonesty on their part and more kinds   the aircraft mechanism is very close with some
             of knowledge that one could certainly absorb”.   concept of  physics  like  lift,  force,  velocity,  and
                                                              many other. Also with social science I can know
                                                              what  happened  in  politics  and  history  from
                                                              sociology and history. There are so many benefits
                                                              if we study science. The third one is language,
                                                              why? With language we can communicate with
                                                              many people easily. I studied Bahasa Indonesia,
                                                              English, Japanese (not very good at that), Arabic,
                                                              and  Germany.  Also  I  can  speak  with  my  tribe
                                                              language  such  a  Bahaso  Palembang,  Bahasa
                                                              Betawi,  and  Boso  Jowo.  I  will  tell  you  a  story
                                                              related to language, in 2014 I travelled to Saudi
                                                              Arabia to perform 'umrah. One day, after I prayed
             My opinion for Al-Ashri Magz                     ashar with my big brother at Nabawi Mosque, we
             My opinion for Al-Ashri Magz
             My opinion for Al-Ashri Magz
             “Ahklakul Karimah,                               wanted to buy ice cream. So I walked with my
             “Ahklakul Karimah,
             “Ahklakul Karimah,
                                                              brother to the nearest ice cream vendor, when
             Science, and Language”
             Science, and Language”                           we arrived at the store my brothers aske me to
             Science, and Language”
                                                              talk to the vendor with arabic because he didn't
               My name is Afifarham Sayid Fatah, you          speak arabic fluently. So I talked to the vendor
             can call me Arham. I was born in Jakarta at 30th of   and I said I wanted to buy chocolate ice cream in
             March 2000, now i'm 18 years old and I am a      arabic and the vendor understood. That's all of
             student  at  10  Social  2  of  Madrasah  Aliyah   my opinion about Akhlakul Karimah, Science, and
                                                              Language, they are very very important in my life.

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